Serve The Goddess

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4 Ways to Celebrate Love Note Day

Serve The Goddess celebrates love: love of self and of others so when we heard about Love Note Day we were thrilled.

Each year on September 26th National Love Note Day is celebrated as a special way to send someone a sweet and loving message. Exactly how and when it started is unbeknownst to us but that it even started is pure genius.

Some time ago, a love note would mean ink or lead dancing across some type of paper or material to relay a message of love or affection. A paper note is a rarity in this digital age. Amidst Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest  or the varying chat apps, the ways in which one can send a love note nowadays are endless.

How about narrowing it down to 4 ways so that your creative cells can just focus on being creative?

Here are four simple ways that you can send a love note:

  1. A text message.
  2. An email.
  3. A meaningful paper note.
  4. A spa gift certificate with a love note attached.


Alongside the shift in technological advances that have widened the ways in which messages can be relayed, there also seems to be less and less time to even communicate. Oh, the irony – more ways to communicate and less time to do it.

If you are among the people who may feel you don’t have time or a reason to write a note, we encourage you not to underestimate the value of kind words. Think of a time when you received a card, letter or note and how much it meant to you – most especially remember how it made you feel.

You don’t have to write a love note like  Shakespeare or Virginia Wolf to light up the brilliance in your ink.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” William Shakespeare

Your letters come like balm on the heart.” Virginia Woolf

Of course if you’d like to copy and give credit to these famous writers, then go ahead and do what you must to get your love note written. Keep in mind though that sometimes there is greatness in simplicity. Take comfort in knowing that a love note can be short, sweet and to the point.

A simple “I thought of you today” or “You are always in my thoughts”, “I am so happy I met you“. There’s no magic trick to it. It merely sums your simplest, kindest, most loving thoughts about that person you wish to gift a love note to and it will always remind them what they mean to you.

It’s amazing what a simple love note can do for someone’s day. Love notes can be attached to roses, flowers, gifts and our instant online gift certificates.

Gift Certificate from Serve The Goddess
Gift Certificate from Serve The Goddess

Serve The Goddess celebrates love: love of self and of others and it’s one of the main reasons we created the gift certificates. They are somewhat of a love note all their own and when you add a note to the gesture, it really comes alive. A gift certificate offers the gift of touch through massage with the gift of love from your note. It’s a gift of love that keeps on giving!

Your love note can be placed on a computer screen, in a bag or in the bathroom for morning rituals. The ways in which they can be given and the people you give them to, are endless.

Love notes are not limited to a lover, husband or wife. They extend to mothers, fathers, children, friends, bosses and coworkers. We invite you to attach your love note to a relaxing massage,  a refreshing facial or some beautifying spa services. Order your gift certificate HERE and we will attach your love note.

Let this Love Note Day find you writing a special note to someone and let Serve The Goddess bring the gift of a relaxing, rejuvenating or beautifying service to that special someone you want to celebrate. Make everyday a day for love notes. Happy Love Note Day.

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