Serve The Goddess

From the blog

8 Ways The Healing Power Of Touch Can Deepen Your Relationship

After the honeymoon phase is over, couples often retreat into patterns that create distance and disconnection. And that’s not what you had in mind when you took your wedding vows. It’s easy to lose the spark and excitement you once had and yearn for a deeper, more passionate connection with your partner.

The magic that happens through touch helps you and your partner to connect on a deeper level. Couples massage matters—a lot—because touch is vital to life. There aren’t enough things we do in life that feel good and are also good for us. But this is one of them.

A massage can reduce stress, relieve respiratory issues, and help the body relax. Got a headache? Forty-five million Americans suffer from chronic headaches and migraines. Massage helps ease the pressure and pain, which can also reduce the frequency of headaches. Want to fight colds? A massage can strengthen your immune system.

You’re probably thinking, “But I’m not a trained massage therapist. How am I actually supposed to give my partner a good massage when I don’t have the experience or the equipment?”

If you’d like to read more and discover how massage can bring intimacy back to your relationship, see our post published on-

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