Fathers are often not as celebrated as mothers are. It stems from many stereotypes and maybe some historical facts and statistics. It’s kind of just the way things are. It would appear it’s easier for the fathers to leave or live separate lives from their children, something most mothers would find harder to do. History would show also that fathers were always the ones going off to wars and protecting territories. Many of them would die in the line of duty and end up being absent not by choice but just by by the path their lives may have taken. It’s no wonder then why mothers were, and in many ways, still are mostly celebrated. Appreciation for mothers seems to be much higher ranked than the appreciation for fathers.
One woman noticed this trend in 1909, over a hundred years ago, as she sat in church listening to a sermon celebrating moms. Her name is Ms Sonara Louise Smart Dodd of Washington. She was 27 years old at the time and pondered deeply on her father as she honed in on the message of the day. Her father raised her and five other siblings with love and care. Sonara’s mom died in childbirth at the tender age of 16 years old. Ms Sonara was raised by her father and wanted to acknowledge the commitment and hard work of fathers who would go unnoticed and unrewarded. The Spokane Ministerial Association and the local Young Men’s Christian Association supported Sonar’s quest for celebrating fathers and in no time, the very first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19th, 1910.
In 1924, it was declared a National Father’s Day later being celebrated on the third Sunday of every June. In 1974, Sonara was honored for her contribution to this special day. Although Ms Sonara has been recognized for her role in getting fathers recognized, it is also believed that Father’s Day actually goes all the way to Babylonian days because of a Father’s Day message found carved in clay almost 4,000 years ago. A young boy by the name of Elmesu carved a special message for his dad wishing him good health and long life.

However far back it goes and whoever started to recognized fathers for the roles they play in the lives of all children, it sure has grown to a worldwide celebration. The union of a mother and father brings forth the birth of a child or children and that’s something to be celebrated. Period.
Whatever you are doing to celebrate Father’s Day this year, we wish you a wonderful celebration with the male figure in your life or your children’s lives. There are so many ways to celebrate this important role – from a simple note to a getaway across the globe. There are also massages, foot reflexology and other spa service options from us here at Serve The Goddess. Check out our Father’s Day Specials this year and let us know which of the services will best suit the dad in your life. You might also consider buying a Gift Certificate and let him choose. Either way, we are here.