The days are starting to get warmer and flowers are blooming all over. One of my favorite things to do at this time of the year is take a walk along the ocean. Spending time in nature every day is so essential to maintaining a connection with yourself.
And this month I am reminded of this more than ever because of Earth Day. If you haven’t connected to nature in a while, do it soon and notice how calm and serene you feel afterward. In honor of this day, we have a few ideas about how you can celebrate the planet and ensure that it is a safe and healthy place to live for many generations in the future. It is important to take special efforts to show love as often as possible, but having a special day to celebrate love as well – that’s just the icing on the cake! Just as we show our friends and family members our love for them with little tokens or gestures of affection, we can also show the planet we call home a little love as well. What better time to do this than on Earth Day?
This special nationwide day was established in 1970 to foster an appreciation and awareness of our home, planet Earth. It is officially celebrated on April 22nd, however, some events and venues have chosen to honor the entire month as ‘Earth Month.’ In LA, the week of April 19th is generally dubbed ‘Earth Week.’ Celebrations all over town will take place during the week and on the weekend.
Here at Serve the Goddess Mobile Spa Services there are so many ways that we celebrate Mother Earth and we provide opportunities for you to do so as well. You can indulge in the elements of nature with a hot stone or hot seashell therapy massage. Using either smooth, heated stones or smoothed shells filled with organic materials, they will be applied to your body in various ways to give relief to stiff and sore muscles. Click here to reserve your massage today.