It’s been an inspiring few days. Earlier this week, I shared my story with the talented Anna of Anna D’Geami – Haute Photography for a piece for The Face of A Modern Goddess on how I found my way to the place of self-love and self-nurturing and like most women, it wasn’t easy.
“If you want to be more alive… love is the truest health.“~ Rumi
If you’re as busy as most of us, you may not take time out for self-care very often. However, personal pampering and connecting with friends has many stress relieving benefits, and should be incorporated as part of a low stress lifestyle. One you do, you will feel the Goddess connection.
Every woman deserves to spend the day with Anna while she creates her art and makes you feel beautiful.
Later I will be sharing my wisdom and guidance in an interview created to inspire YOU, so stay tuned in! More photos coming soon.