September is Self-Improvement Month – a time to reassess yourself holistically and make changes where needed. Summer is just about ending and the kids are back in school – it means you get back to your old routine and hopefully this can mean including time for yourself.
Every time we reflect inwards and start to focus on ways to make ourselves better, our situation all around us improves. Our families, friendships, jobs and projects all become positively affected when we start to work on us.
Once we start working on ourselves, we will likely start to feel lighter, sleep better, have more patience and even feel a sense of peace and calm.
That being said, we invite you to take September as a month to improve yourself!
Try a holistic approach and include your mind, body and spirit – something like yoga. Yoga helps your mind to focus, build your body and connects you spiritually to your highest self.
Consider booking an in-home massage for each week of September. Massages will help to relax your body, soothe your mind and can open your spirit to being more thankful for the relaxation that massage can bring.
We invite you to take September as a month to improve yourself! This is just a start and something you can commit to for the month of September – one single month! It’s one month of self-improvement – 30 days to a better you!
We suggest using a journal to document the process and to write how you feel and how the changes affected your life. Why not invite a friend to join you so you can share and compare lists and your journey.
Might we also suggest that you sign up for our transformational Goddess Retreats so that you can get a notification of when the next one will be. These are three day retreats that will definitely aid in all your self-improvement efforts. Our retreats are one to two times a year and include accommodations, delicious food, meditation and so much more.