Serve The Goddess

From the blog

Serve The Goddess Celebrates Women All day and Everyday

As we look at our lives today, we may take for granted the many resources and opportunities that are available to us as women. We may not recognize how far we have come or what it took for us to get where we are – even something as simple as the ability to vote. Gender equality didn’t come easy for most of our ancestors. In fact, many of them never got a chance to experience it.

While gender equality still has much to grow,  we can  acknowledge that we have come a long way even if there are many more strides to make.

There was a time when women were not celebrated at all. They were considered weaker on many levels. Somewhere in the early 1900s, that slowly began to change. The First International Women’s Day was held in 1911 and Women’s History Month was started in Sonoma County, California. The celebration of women is celebrated worldwide each year on March 8th.

Women are phenomenal beings – vessels through which life is formed and birthed and they embody a strength that is equal to no other. Women are worthy of daily celebration and appreciation.

Women in circle at one of our retreats.

For so many years, women were seen as the lesser gender – the least celebrated – and sometimes even as a threat. Serve The Goddess was formed on the notion of celebrating women – for all we have come from and where we will go. One of the best ways to celebrate women is to nurture our love of self and to help put some balance into our selflessness. It’s a tricky margin to hover but it’s very possible – knowing when to put others first and when to put ourselves first. We all need that balance – to feel that we are doing the best in whatever role we assume and to know when we need some down time to replenish our spirits. At Serve The Goddess, our most popular services all stem from helping a woman to feel beautiful inside and out: massages, manicures, pedicures and facials.

We also facilitate Women’s Retreats two to three times a year all geared toward to the promotion of rejuvenation, sisterhood and self love.

Spa Manicure
One of our clients enjoying a manicure at her spa party

Massages are great as an addition to any self-care regimen whether it be for medical or simple nurturing reasons. Beyond that, massages can produce feelings of comfort, caring and connection. Massages can help us to release stress and to be grateful for the present moment.

Manicures and pedicures increase circulation to the extremities and bring a sense of relief to your overall being. They also help to promote growth of healthy nails. Choose the right color and feel dazzled and pretty.

Facials bring relaxation and relief to the one part of our body that is almost always exposed. Our face is like our billboard to the world. It tells so much about our current state of mind, unfortunately our fatigue and so the care we give ourselves – the time we take to present ourselves to the world.

Facials promote radiant, soft skin, regeneration of healthy cell growth and bring rejuvenation to our spirits.

Women’s week is celebrated annually in March and Women’s Day is on March 8th but at Serve The Goddess, women are celebrated every day, all day. Tell us about a woman you would like to celebrate and remember, we can help you celebrate her.

We are here to talk to you!

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