Mother’s Day is fast approaching. It’s a day to honor moms from all walks of life – and most moms, if not all, want to be honored and feel appreciated. Their work load is endless and selfless – the moment a woman knows she will be a mother, she tends to put herself last. She may start to eat differently, protect her tummy at all times and sleep in the most uncomfortable positions just so her baby is safe and comfortable. It’s a natural instinct as witnessed in animals nurture, to provide and protect. Being a mom means that you at times “go without” for the sake of your child or children. It likely means your kids will have clothes and shoes before you do and that you stayed up many nights watching them sleep through a flu or a cough. It likely means you have arranged your entire life around your children and their needs. It is innate in women to do this – the reward is seeing our children healthy, happy and safe.
Considering all this, many moms find it hard to make time for herself. If mom does take the time for herself, she may feel judged or misunderstood and it brings along a barrage of guilt, especially for new moms or moms with young babies. It can be so unfair and hard at times if a mom does not have the right support – giving her a safe space to take care of herself. Any mom who does not have the freedom and security to give herself some alone time is likely to find herself exhausted and burned-out.
We can’t begin to stress enough how important it is to find balance as a mom – to get enough done for the family AND save a little bit just for you. It can mean a long bath at the end of the night or 10 minutes of complete silence every day. It could mean a visit to the hair salon once a month for some pampering – some ‘I feel beautiful; look at me.” time. An easier solution, of course, is having mom stay right where she is and have Serve The Goddess bring some pampering to her. Our mobile spa services saves her time driving and having to deal with traffic. After her services, she can continue to relax at home and breathe deeply knowing she’s been taken care of, for a change. Any day a woman can take time for herself is a day she can breathe deeply and exhale sweetly.
Serve The Goddess can provide all kinds of spa packages or even just one or two – one hour or two dedicated just to mom. Whether a mom has one child or several, it means that she is second or last in the line of being cared for and she’s on the front line for everything else.
Consider a relaxing spa service for the mom or moms in your life and help to show her that you understand what it’s like to be a mom.
Most importantly, show her that she is appreciated.
In August, we’re hosting a luscious retreat for women based on the ancient wisdom of Kali and Sekhemet. Consider a wonderful weekend with your mom or treat her this summer from August 4th to 6th in Ojai, California
Click here to register and save your spot today. It would be a great time to connect with your mom or honor any special mother figure in your life.